Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Visitor's Guide

What the Sevens means to Hong Kong

Who would have thought a little tournament started 40 years ago by a few rugby-mad expatriates would become the signature international event on Hong Kong’s sporting calendar? That the Hong Kong Sevens has become so and more is a testament to the game’s appeal, and its being in the right city at the right time. Just when Hong Kong was coming of age as an international finance centre, the Hong Kong Sevens presented the city with a perfect event to showcase what it has to offer – a modern, dynamic city full of hustle and bustle, and an international metropolis
ready to host a fantastic, fun-filled party throughout the three day extravaganza for visitors from all over the
world. The result? A sporting experience that is truly and uniquely Hong Kong.

The outcomes speak for themselves: The Hong Kong Sevens is indisputably the crown jewel of the Rugby Sevens World Series events; it’s the one that rugby fans and players alike talk about and mark on their calendars. And, due in large part to Hong Kong’s playing an instrumental role in popularizing the sport in non-rugby playing countries especially in Asia, Rugby Sevens will be an Olympic sport in 2016 in Brazil – an outcome nobody would have dreamed of 40 years ago.

While still perceived as sporting a event for expatriates, the effect of the Hong Kong Sevens on the city itself has been highly positive in terms of benefits to the local economy, Hong Kong’s brand-building, and enhancing its reputation as a world city and a preferred international destination – a place to be, if you will.
The economic case is easy to make: every year, thousands of visitors descend onto Hong Kong in the last week of March to attend the event. Most arrive in a mood to party, have fun, and spend money – on dining, drinking, sightseeing and shopping, in addition to their accommodation. Compared with the average tourist, Sevens attendees tend to stay quite a bit longer, many staying for a week or more. So it’s no surprise that hotels are booked solid for the Rugby Sevens week, especially those on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, and restaurants and bars are packed for the duration, especially in the evenings, dropping tens of millions of dollars into the Hong Kong economy.

Clearly, the benefits to Hong Kong reach further than that. For example, many international banks and corporations, especially those that are sponsors of the Hong Kong Sevens, hold their annual investor or customer conferences during Rugby Sevens week to ride on the popularity of the event. The ability to embed the Hong Kong Sevens into the calendars of Hong Kong’s corporate titans certainly energises the event and more importantly, helps re-inforce the image of Hong Kong as Asia’s most dynamic and glamorous international city.

As the Hong Kong Sevens looks towards the future, with a possible relocation to a bigger stadium to be built, it is worth remembering the positive effect the Hong Kong Sevens has had on Hong Kong and the continuing role it plays in Hong Kong’s brand and reputation.


誰又能想到四十年前一場由數個欖球運動員發起的小型比賽今日竟然成為香港體育日程上的國際盛事。比賽每年於香港舉行的時間地點又十分適宜,令香港七人欖球賽越來越受人關注。香港作為國際金融中心,使香港國際七人欖球賽更展現了香港—— 作為一個現代的、充滿活力,充滿喧囂的國際化都市,準備就緒迎接八方賓客,共襄盛舉這一場為期三天樂趣無窮的大派對。結果也成就了這一項真正代表香港獨特性的運動體驗。

結果不言自明:香港七人欖球賽是世界七人制欖球比賽系列活動上耀眼的明珠,是運動員及欖球賽球迷爭相討論的熱點,賽事更被標記在他們的日事行程上。而香港對這項運動的極力普及,在非打欖球的亞洲國家中特別具有推廣作用,七人制欖球賽將於2016年的巴西奧運會開始,正式成為奧運會比賽項目, 這在四十年前是無人可以想像的。



