Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Visitor's Guide


Eat your way through the best of French cuisine at this fun and rustic bistro a short walk away from Hong Kong Stadium. From starters to desserts, we’re blown away by the delicious fare at Saint-Germain, especially the ‘Royans’ Ravioli’ Cheese Pasta served with Truffle Cream (HK$128/$168) and the perfectly roasted Scallops “a la Plancha” with Barrigoule artichokes (HK$198). If you want to go light and healthy, we recommend the Sea Bass Carpaccio (HK$108) with a fresh lime dressing. The more unique and filling dish is a rare 7-hour slow cooked Lamb Shoulder with Saffran Quinoa (HK$$188). For dessert, the Traditional Apple Tart with Vanilla Ice Cream (HK$78) with its perfect puff pastry crust gets our vote. What can we say? If the French are good at one thing, it’s food.


Dining St Germain - Sea Bass Carpaccio - HD

Sea Bass Carpaccio


只需從香港大球場步行幾分鐘,就可以來到這個田園風情的小餐館,享受正宗法式菜餚。眾所皆知,浪漫的法國人長於烹飪。Saint-Germain的菜式肥美清淡兩相宜,從開胃菜到甜品都能讓你驚嘆不已,尤其是 “Royans’ Ravioli” Cheese Pasta 松露奶油(HK$128/$168)以及烤製得恰到好處的扇貝 “a la Plancha” (HK$198)。如果你想吃得清淡健康點,我們推薦檸檬汁Sea Bass Carpaccio(HK$108),而口味更厚重點的則是慢燉7小時的Lamb Shoulder with Saffran Quinoa (HK$$188). 至於甜品,帶着鬆軟酥皮的Traditional Apple Tart with Vanilla Ice Cream (HK$78) 是我們的至愛。


Dining Saint-Germain - Apple Pie - HD

Apple Tart with Vanilla Ice Cream


G/F, 1A Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley
+852 2836 6131